Awareness Program in the month of June 2022

Topic: Climate change and its effects

Climate change is one of the most universal global threats to peace and security in the 21st century. 29th & 30th June was the day of event to carry out the awareness programme for students of Std. VIII to X.

Activities like, green bottle plantation, flash cards drawn with the theme. Elocution programme durin mass-prayer were conducted.

Objective of this Programme:-

  • To improve awareness and understanding among children.
  • Every individual from Std. IX-has role to play in the fight against climate change.To motivate the students to undertake these small significant changes in their daily routine.




Video: Click here to Watch


7A. Priyanshi. Sakat. Information. About. Kolhapur district.

Pranjal gurav of 7/A

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3