
Secondary School:

N.K.E.S. established this institution in 1939 with view to impart education to Kannada populous in the city of Mumbai.

This school is recognized by the Government of Maharashtra. The school has Pre-Primary, Primary & Secondary Sections. The medium of instruction is English & Kannada from Std I to X. N.K.E.S. High School is a co-education institution. The school aims at all round development of the child to bring out their hidden talents and to educate them in various fields such as literature, cultural and educational activities –  N.C.C., Sports, Dramatization etc.

The institution is open to all, irrespective of caste creed or religion. Parents are expected to co-operate with the authorities in the task of education by seeing to the regular studies and various activities of the school. Pupils are prepared for the Secondary School Certificate Examination conducted by Maharashtra, Board of Secondary & High Secondary Education .